Ponte Vedra Storm Soccer Club (PVSC) is a fun and enjoyable soccer program for boys and girls. The program is designed for players age 4 to 18 looking to learn and play the game of soccer. Players do not attend tryouts and are assigned to teams to promote balanced skill levels for all teams. All coaches in the PVSC Recreational soccer program are parent volunteers.
Our curriculum is constantly evolving in order to provide the best for our players and provide connections from our recreational programming through our top competitive teams. We focus on building player’s technical foundations and confidence throughout each season, building upon previous skills learned at practice. Rules of the game are also introduced as the players move up into older age groups.
Practices take place up to two times a week for 60 minutes per session at Nocatee Park. Professional trainers and coaches teach the players fundamental technical skills for up to 30 minutes of each practice. The players then split up into their teams and work with their volunteer coaches for the remainder of practice. Older teams have an option to practice exclusively with their coach one day a week. This practice session is up to the discretion of the coach.
All players must arrive on time with their practice jersey, soccer cleats, shin guards and water. Important: Parents or guardians for each player MUST remain in the designated areas at the practice fields for the entire practice.

Teams of U10 and younger will have most games take place on Saturday mornings at Davis Park. U12 and older will travel to other fields throughout NE Florida and Southern Georgia for their away games while their home games will be at Davis Park. Games for these teams may be scheduled on different days of the week.
COACHES (volunteer)
Our volunteer coaches are a vital part of the success for the PVSC and its players. Each team must have a volunteer coach. We will not field teams without a volunteer coach. A volunteer coach must pass a background check provided by PVSC and are valid through July of each year. They must also complete a short CDC Concussion course and test.
It is required for each team to have a coach at every practice and game. Teams may have two co-coaches to assure that this requirement is met. If you are interested in volunteering to be a coach, please email us at and include your child's name and age.
The Jr Academy is to help bridge the gap between recreational soccer and competitive soccer. It requires an additional day of practice and there will be additional games against local clubs with Jr academy programs. If your child is interested in this program, go to the Jr Academy tab in the main menu to learn more.
Here is the breakdown of ages by BIRTH YEAR for the 2020-2021 seasonal year
In-House Club Soccer
2016 and 2015
Co-ed teams play 3v3, no goalkeeper with a size 3 ball
2014 and 2013
Co-ed teams play 4v4, no goalkeeper with a size 3 ball
Co-ed teams play 7v7, with a goalkeeper with size 4 ball
North Florida Youth Soccer - local travel against other clubs
Co-ed teams play 9v9 with a goalkeeper with size 4 ball
*PVSC will offer an exclusive female team as long as there is enough female players to field teams at their age group
2008 and older
Co-ed teams play 11v11 with a goalkeeper with size 5 ball
PVSC will offer an exclusive female team as long as there is enough female players to field teams at their age group
Please note that PVSC reserves the right to combine up to two age groups to ensure all registered players are able to be placed on a team.

Our goal is to provide a safe environment for the kids while having fun and enjoying this sport. Here are just a few reminders to make sure we have a fantastic season.
You must stay with your child or have a designated adult with your child at practice. At times children will need to go to the restrooms or may need assistance and the trainers cannot stop practice to accompany them.
Send your child with plenty of water. They should bring it to the field they are practicing on. This allows the coaches to talk with the kids during breaks and allows them to have valuable rest time, instead of finding you to get their water.
Please strive to be on time. If you are going to be more than 20 minutes late it might be best to catch the next practice.
Your child must wear soccer cleats, shinguards (UNDER their socks), and soccer shorts to games and practices. Please remove all earrings. No skirts, jean shorts or even basketball shorts. The safety of your child is very important to us, if they are not dressed in the appropriate attire they will not be able to play.
Practice shirts will be provided at the beginning of the season. Until then, please have your child wear dark blue t-shirt. They should wear dark shorts and dark socks.
If a child is sick please keep them home. Just like school we want to try to keep everyone healthy.
Occasionally a child may get a bump from another player or fall down on their own and require your assistance so please make sure someone is their for your child if needed. Most of the time there is someone there that can handle the little stuff but we want to make sure a child always feels comfortable at practice.
Please avoid sending your child into the sawgrass near the building. Here in Florida we have resident reptiles that like those areas.
Encourage your child to have fun. If they are tired it is okay to keep them home. We want them rested and ready to go at practice.
Smile when you get there and leave, it makes your child happy to know that you now love the sport as much as they do and that you support them every practice.
If you want to add an email to the email list please notify so your family always get information. They will
One last thing, please save all questions for after practice. The directors and trainers need to stay focused to get started in a timely fashion. Thank you so much for understanding and making this a smooth kick off.