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Updated September 1, 2021


Ponte Vedra Soccer Club Families, Players, Teams, and Coaches,


I hope everyone had a great summer and you are ready to return to the playing the soccer this coming season. With the increased number of positive Covid-19 tests, we wanted to take the time to update everyone on our PVSC Covid-19 Protocols and Safety Guidelines regarding Covid-19 infections and direct exposure cases.


We’ve received some questions on how we'll be dealing with direct exposure and infection cases from either school related situations and/or at the soccer fields. The CDC, and both St. John’s County and Duval County School Boards, have posted their protocols for these occurrences. We try to mirror the actions and utilize the research done by these organizations to create the safest environment for all our PVSC Members.


We ask and trust you all, that if a player is showing symptoms to please not send them to practice or games, as this can affect your entire team, club, and many others. I know there will be cases and certain situations that we cannot control but let’s do our best and our part to keep the kids safe.


Please read the updated section below this message for Return to Play Protocols and Safety Guidelines.


Thank You & Go PVSC!


PVSC Board

Pre Training:

  1. Ensure your child is healthy! Please check their temperature prior to training.

  2. Ensure all equipment, cleats, ball, shin guards, bags are sanitized before every training session.

  3. Form a car line specified by field number, ENTER and EXIT signs will be visible per designated Field number.

  4. The players will remain in the carline at the entrance until instructed by the staff to check in.

  5. Players are encouraged to wear a mask until the beginning of the training

  6. Each Players Body Temperature will be checked with a contactless thermo scanner.

  7. Players will be directed to designated equipment drop off and directed to his/her respective coach.

  8. We encourage parents/families to remain in the car or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements. If you are watching training, you are encouraged to wear a mask if outside of your car.



  1. Players will be asked to keep a safe social distance at all times, no less than 6 feet.

  2. Players will refrain from contact with other players and their equipment.

  3. Players will keep social distance during Water breaks “Drink your own water”

  4. Players will need permission to go to the Bathroom.

  5. Players will be directed to the Medical Trainer for any type of injury or exhaustion reason.

  6. Players will be released from training by the Coaching Staff. 


Post Training:

  1. Players will remain at their designated equipment area until Parent arrives

  2. Players will gather their equipment and follow the exit Sign for pick up

  3. Hand Sanitizing Stations will be available before pick up, be sure to use them post training.

  4. Players will wear mask post training until picked up

  5. Players are asked to leave the park promptly to allow the next group of players arrival. 

  6. Ensure all equipment, cleats, ball, shin guards, etc. are sanitized after every training.

  7. Notify the club immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason

Return to Play Following Confirmed COVID-19 Infection or Direct Exposure:

These guidelines are intended to help decision-making regarding players or staff with a suspected or documented COVID-19 infections or direct exposure in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission.


Direct Exposure Defined:

If a player plays/trains with a team and tests positive 48 hours after the game/session there is not a direct exposure to the team. If a player tests positive within 48 hours of the game/session then the players on the team have been directly exposed and must follow the protocols below:​


1. Exposed to a Covid 19 Positive case:

Asymptomatic - Allowed to Return to Play only after:                                                    

  • Receiving a negative test 4 days after exposure OR

  • Remains asymptomatic and on the 7th day after exposure can return without testing


Symptomatic - Allowed to Return to Play only after:                                                        

  • a negative test and is asymptomatic OR 

  • 10 days have passed since onset of symptoms or with positive test results. In addition, has to be fever free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medication and have overall symptom improvement. OR

  • Receives written permission from a healthcare provider to return to play


Is Covid Positive or Symptomatic - Allowed to Return to Play only after:     

  • a negative test result and is asymptomatic OR

  • 10 days have passed since onset of symptoms or with positive test results. In addition, has to be fever free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medication and have overall symptom improvement.  OR

  • Receives written permission from a healthcare provider to return to play.


2. Exposed to a Covid 19 Positive case but had prior Covid 19 Infection (within 90 days) OR is Fully Vaccinated (2 weeks following 2nd dose Covid 19 Vaccination)


  • no action required


Symptomatic - Allowed to Return to Play only after:

  • a negative test result and is asymptomatic OR

  • 10 days have passed since onset of symptoms or with positive test results.  In addition, has to be fever free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medication and have overall symptom improvement OR

  • Receives written permission from a healthcare provider to return to play


Same protocols are to be followed if a player gets sent home from school from direct exposure.

Travel Policy:


  • All Players will travel to and from away games with their parents or a designated family approved carpool. 

  • All players must stay with their family at the designated hotel. If players travel with another family, up to two players maximum can stay in a hotel room together. This must be approved by both sets of parents and coaching staff.

  • No congregating by players, parents, and coaches will be allowed in the hotel.

  • All players must arrive to the hotel the night before the game prior to the time provided by the staff. 

  • All players must follow the coach’s curfew put in place.

  • Players must arrive to the fields an hour prior before kickoff unless stated otherwise by the coaching staff.

Parent Responsibilities:


  • Ensure the child is healthy, check your child’s temperature prior to any training session.

  • Limited or no carpooling.

  • Encouraged to stay in the car or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements, when wearing a mask outside of your car.

  • Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every training session.

  • Ensure all equipment, cleats, ball, shin guards, etc. are sanitized before and after every training.

  • Notify the club immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason.

  • Be sure your child has necessary sanitizer with them at every training.

  • Return COVID Waiver to team manager

Player Responsibilities:


  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after training.

  • Bring and use hand sanitizer at every training.

  • Encouraged to wear a mask before and immediately after all training.

  • Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, snack, or bag.

  • Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.

  • Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training.

  • No group celebrations, no high 5’s, hugs, handshake, etc.

Coach Responsibilities:


  • Ensure the health and safety of the athletes.

  • Inquire how the athletes are feeling, send them home should you believe they act or look ill.

  • Follow all state and local health protocols.

Our Club Responsibilities:


  • Create and distribute protocols to its members.

  • Have an effective communication plan in place; identify strategies for working with public health to notify adult leaders, youth, and their families if the organization learns a participant or adult leader has developed COVID-19 and may have been infectious to others while at a youth activity, while maintaining confidentiality.

  • Be sensitive and accommodating to parents who may be uncomfortable with a return to play, too quickly.

  • Have an action plan in place, in case of a positive test.

  • Train and educate all staff on protocols and requirements, including state and local regulations, CDC recommendations, and other necessary information.

  • Be prepared to shut down and stop operations. Develop plans for temporary closure of indoor facilities or outdoor activities or camps to properly disinfect and ensure other adult leaders or youth are not infected.

  • Develop a relationship and a dialog with local health officials (identify Risk Tolerance).

Competition/Game Protocols:                                                   

  • Any individual reporting or demonstrating symptoms of illness at any point should be removed from competition (or restricted from competition) and should seek guidance from his or her healthcare provider before returning to soccer activities.

  • Each player, coach, and referee should check his/her temperature at home, and refrain from participation if he or she has a fever (≥100.4 degrees F).

  • All coaches, players, referees, and other attendees should be monitoring for symptoms at home to ensure that:

    • He/she has not had any close contact with a sick individual or anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19;

    • He/she has not had a documented case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days;

    • He/she is not currently demonstrating or suffering from any ill symptoms

    • Any individual who is unable to confirm these criteria should be restricted from participation and contact both their club and their healthcare provider.

  • These criteria should be confirmed verbally on arrival as follows:

    • Each participating player should confirm that they have met the above requirements of no known symptoms or exposures with the lead coach of their team.

    • The lead coach from each participating team should confirm with the lead coach of the opposing team that all participating players and staff have met the above requirements of no known symptoms or exposures.

    • All referees should confirm individually with both lead coaches that all referees have met the above requirements of no known symptoms or exposures.

    • Any individual who is unable to confirm these criteria should be restricted from participation and contact their healthcare provider.

During Competition/Game:


  • Soccer play can be conducted as normal with the following exceptions:

  • Team pre-game and post-game handshakes should be avoided.

  • Handshakes or contact in substitution should be avoided.

  • Physical contact should be avoided during celebrations and post-game activities.

  • Social distancing should be ensured between players and coaches on the sideline during play and during any individual or group conversations throughout the competition (pre-game, half-time, post-game).

  • No player, coach, or spectator should violate social distancing guidelines with a referee at any time.

  • Player pass cards should be handled only by the coach of the team and should be disinfected after the game. (Referees should be shown the player pass cards in check-in, but not handle the cards.) Referees should track player substitutions with their own notes and should not collect player pass cards.

  • Staff pass cards should only be handled by the staff member to whom it belongs. (Referees should be shown the staff pass card in check-in, but not handle the cards.) Referees should note the staff pass card was checked on the game report and add all sideline staff member names to the report.

  • Use of masks or cloth facial coverings by staff and players on the sideline should be guided by local or national guidelines regarding public use.

  • Players on the sideline or bench should remain socially distanced (6 feet apart) – including during pre-game, half-time, and post-game discussions.

  • International walkouts should not be held.

  • All attendees should always maintain social distancing guidelines during arrival and departure from competition.

  • Spectators should remain off the field, practice proper social distancing and utilize masks or cloth facial coverings throughout the event in accordance with local and national guidelines.

  • In the event of an injury, staff may assess and facilitate management of the injured individual in accordance with proper first aid management. Family members and any on-site healthcare providers may participate in injury management as necessary, but others should maintain proper social distance.

  • It is recommended that participating teams keep an attendance record of coaches and staff for all competitions to allow for optimized case reporting and contact tracing. 

Post Competition/Game:


  • Teams should have contact information for the lead staff member from each team that they have competed against prior to departure from the facility. Ideally this should be a designated staff member responsible for COVID-19 related matters within each club as outlined above.

  • Teams should communicate with the referee assignor (or other appropriate individual) to ensure that referees for each game are documented and the referee assignor has contact information for all referees.

  • Any individual with a confirmed case of COVID-19 should notify their respective team and club immediately.

  • Any referee with a confirmed case of COVID-19 should notify the club and any teams involved in competitions worked by that individual within the last 14 days.

  • Any team notified of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in a player, staff member, or referee should notify any other team involved in competition with that individual in the 14 days prior to the diagnosis of COVID-19.

General Hygiene practices to reduce the risk of spread of infection:                                                   

  • Avoid touching your face.

  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  • Cover mouth and nose (with arm or elbow, not hands) when coughing or sneezing and wash hands afterward.

  • Wear a face mask or covering at any time you are in public and unable to maintain social distancing.

  • Frequently clean commonly used surfaces (doorknobs, for example) with an antiseptic cleanser.

  • Avoid contact with other individuals (shaking hands, for example).

  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet between you and others.

  • Stay home if you feel sick and contact your health care provider.

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